Thursday 4 October 2012

John Berger

 This extract displays how the media shows that men are the more dominant gender. It shows how the media says that the females are at the will of the males. It also sort of shows that men should go to work and that females should be taking care of the house and the males when they are there. The knock on effects of this is how it would effect the behaviour of males and females.

 Again it shows how males are above females. It almost implies that the women are like loose cannons and are unlikely to make the right decisions, also men are the one's who set that 'perfect' example. This getting shown in the media undermines the women  and there ability to do things. 
For media to be representing genders this way would lead to the influence of younger generations as they would be seeing these signs of how they should be acting. With these representations in the media it could easily lead to a more patriarchy society. With males being portrayed as being dominant over females in the media then it could lead to many males and females to believe that males are the forefront of the society.

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